Neue Ausgabe
Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2011
Dear Ladies and Gentleman, civil servants and politicians of all Nations, a warm welcome!!
Dear Ladies and Gentleman, civil servants and politicians of all Nations, a warm welcome!!(in 2004)
Have you made progress with the necessary changes within the UN? The fact in itself that there are wars currently on our home planet inevitably shows that present worldwide politics is unable to avoid this inhuman practice. Our common objective therefore must be to stop such conflict!!! Only when we prevent such wars such as in SUDAN will we have a real chance of a collective peaceful future!!! When people are subjected to such barbaric, destructive and lethal violence over a prolonged period there is a danger of them themselves becoming barbaric, destructive and willing to kill. Governments who observe armed conflict should notify the UN immediately!! Naturally you will be able to refer to us! The UN, for its part, would then in the most unbureaucratic way possible undertake the necessary steps i.e. after making demands and giving an ultimatum intervening with a fast strike force!! Of course, the UN members, who possess special rights, are mainly responsible!! Certainly, absolute equality between all countries on our home planet is not an easy thing to accomplish; nevertheless, we must be determined to achieve absolute equality!!! We are of the opinion that prompt intervention requires no resolution! It only requires proper coordination! A clearly organised and swift intervention would substantially reduce or even prevent it from spreading to the population!! The willingness of the young to commit violence increases automatically, on account of intervention being far too inconsequent (see below). Last year an eastern European prime minister said the following of considerable importance and meaning on the subject: We have to think about our history (past)! Our relentless wish for progress prevented and prevents us from understanding our view of the world (that in itself is influenced by our actions). This is due to our quite restricted mental capabilities i.e. we are neither able to recognise all of our existing surroundings nor can we interpret properly that which is perceived. We are predominantly influenced by our habits. This makes us inclined to regard and internalize things too frequently in a positive way and also too positively!!! Furthermore, it is vital to encourage a change in view by applying precise simple measures. Especially, education requires fundamental improvement in the developed countries!!! Cooperation, working and living together in a social way need to play a central roll. Owing to the large difference between people, the continual individualisation, especially in the so called prosperous nations, would overwhelm the processing capacity of the individual’s personality and inevitably lead to irrational actions, if nothing is done. All pupils in a class have to be brought together by implementing defined measures!! It makes sense to encourage this by giving grades. Up until now pupils have usually been randomly been left to themselves which has lead to today’s normal unloving and hierarchical relationships. After the 11th September 01 it was reported that 10 year old school girls and boys of a New York school containing pupils from over 20 nations largely independently looked after the new comers. The reason for this does not lie in the children being mostly from diplomat families. Only those who have learned to treat each other respectfully and been sufficiently respectfully treated know how to avoid violence. The use of violence is almost always related to past experiences and is the most primitive form of communication. In addition, it is crucial to teach pupils and especially the teachers the use of paper and pen in a conflict free Manner!! It may be considered a step in the right direction, when pupils who have a problem can communicate to their teachers in a written note!! In addition pupils would be become sensitised by such actions, which teaches to be respectful!! In a number hospitals this has been practiced in a similar way leading to substantial success and the saving of several thousand of patient’s lives. Similarly, this is the case in schools and kinder gardens. Due to insufficient communication (for which there is no substitute within the family) many schoolgirls and boys have become truly emotionally impoverished. This results in the long term in catastrophic effects i.e. criminality and violence. Furthermore these youths are subject to the much larger danger of becoming accustomed to their irrational actions, so much so as to become accomplices to terrorists. It our duty to prevent this happening!!! Politics unfortunately does not in this case set a good example. Numerous politicians choose more often than not to communicate through the media to express their opinions instead of implementing the direct way i.e. writing a letter or using the telephone! All the international letters written by us up to now have been sent to the New York Times.
All the other media therefore do not know anything. The media make proper politics impossible. Are all the publications of pictures related to the military conflict in Iraq sensible and promote a peaceful solution?? Nearly all media take advantage of the susceptibility of humans and use it to their own means. The media carry considerable part of the responsibility for the Iraq conflict. Quite often the responsible media are truly detestably selfish. This is clearly demonstrated by the internet provider who showed the killing of the civilians. It is quite possible that he would still be alive today had those responsible at the media had more heart and sense. It is intolerable that terror groups, radicals and groups hostile towards democracy are able to use the internet without being hindered; and that only for reason of pure profit of those responsible. That must be changed as soon as possible!!! Meanwhile there are over 2000 Neo-Nazi-pages alone on the internet. Simply unbelievable!! It is now time to employ more people for monitoring!! Such steps are top priority in the fight against terrorism. Furthermore, the many millionaires are extremely damaging to democracy. It is no longer compatible with the extreme poverty partly found worldwide. A worldwide wealth tax is equally essential. In addition, we must persistently work against the worldwide expansion of global consolidated companies. Let us recap: we are and will be influenced by our habits. The rich are accustomed to their riches but still wish to exist in their respective societies. –They will have to understand this relationship!! Send them appropriate letters from the UN! In this case a message through the media would also be appropriate. Only when as many people as possible have work will terrorism be almost reduced to 0. We have to understand that awkward threats do not improve but worsten the situation!! Even president Gaddafi knows the effect a letter can have. El Sadre has similarly tried it. Still unsatisfactorily? That is because many politicians reacted uncontrollably!! “Given a unconditional armistice, we will be prepared at any time to negotiate” would have been the more prudent reaction!! All leaders regardless of how they came to have power over others i.e. democratically elected, by manipulation of an election, by a forceful putsch, by succession to the throne or any other way have the same obligation: first of all to find a solution to a conflict by peaceful means. Again!!! It is essential that all people are informed and understand the history of each country/nation. The history for example of the USA is a tragic but true story: The majority of the immigrants to the USA a few hundred years ago only undertook the extremely hazardous journey on account of their existing life not being worth living. Of course, the people, provided they managed to get there, gained freedom in terms of space but absolutely no freedom as regards to intellect and emotion!! They were eroded down by the enormous uncertainty. This should even be pointed out to Osama Bin Laden; give this letter to him if you can!! Furthermore, for this reason most US Americans are real weapon fanatics; an opinion not seldom shared by Europeans. In addition, owing to its important roll during the two World Wars the USA was later repeatedly measured by what it had accomplished and urged to give assistance. The USA cannot and could not possibly fulfil this responsibility alone. Only a thorough reorientation of the UN could accomplish these tasks. Prior and after the emigration of many thousand freedom searchers to the USA many descendants in Europe (this also applies to many Arab states) have, due to the constantly arising fear for life arising from the many, prolonged, bloody and barbaric wars, so to say had intellectual thinking in advance repeatedly imposed up on them. Such serious experiences are passed on through thought and emotion to many following generations. This deeply entrenched wish for safety of the family and existence has had a more positive influence on development than was for example the case with the former descendants in the USA. We should also not forget the terrible time of suffering that many peoples endured during the colonial period. The Palestinians react for this reason extremely irrational with blind, barbaric terror. Back again to our relentless need for progress: has this existing phenomena, in connection with our religion, more often than not gone so far as to lead us to believe that our own way of life is the best?? You can be sure that it has!! It is even the cause of there being so many thousand different religions on our home planet, where a single one would be totally sufficient. In this context one really important point is to be made: amongst all the information passed down by us humans, there must have been some mistakes made. We wish to inform El Sadre and Osama Bin Laden but also radical Palestinians and other violent welders of power that the intervening states in Iraq and those who were in Iraq had received a letter, unfortunately too late!! They have understood the sentence „only those who are prepared to admit their mistakes are really the ones who do not lose face“!
With kind regards Thomas Karnasch, internationally approved philosopher
Eingestellt von Thomas Karnasch,internatio. anerkannter Philosoph um 12:04
Samstag, 27. August 2011
Les chefs de gouvernement de l'Afrique sont tous millionnaires encore - n'a qu'un seul d'entre eux personnellement remis à la famine qui ???
Les chefs de gouvernement de l'Afrique sont tous millionnaires encore - n'a qu'un
seul d'entre eux personnellement remis à la famine qui ???
Je sais au moins comment il se sent quand il ne fait vraiment mal - que j'ai aussi
avec d'autres parties telles ensemble - et me pousse sur ce qu'il faut faire Je peux.
J'ai aussi appris et compris que les gens ont souvent seulement pour sourds et
aveugles du troupeau est bonne -, alors il s'agit d'un sérieux besoin de les influences positives de l'extérieur!
= Quel est plutôt moins dépendante des niveaux d'éducation est possible - mais
très de plus multi-couches expérience de la vie!
Quelle est, en principe, le message le plus approprié pour les terroristes?
= Traiter toutes les personnes en tant que telle - et pas seulement regarder
l'aveuglette que des millions meurent de faim lamentablement!
= Que peut sans doute conduire à Selbstanstachelung des terroristes.
Manque le président d'UNICEF Allemagne est aussi de ne négliger aucune expérience de vie réelle!
= Il est vrai que certains allemands sont généreux - il est également vrai,
cependant,que moins que beaucoup d'autres doit être sérieusement envisagée radin!
= Un président de bienfaisance réel devrait prendre à cœur, mais peut effectivement publiquement!
= Voir la dure seulement un an au légendaire pont aérien de Berlin Début de la guerre dite froide.
= Surtout fonctionnaires du gouvernement doit être clair bientôt, que non
seulement ils lui demandez gentiment - mais elle doit aussi écouter les
universitaires et les militants dans leur propre pays!
= Mon optimisme est assombri en termes d'avenir, notamment en raison de leur
comportement effroyable et un de plus.
= Bien que ces opportunités sont encore énorme!
= Une aide sérieuse à la famine actuelle serait également nécessaire pour
l'avancement de l'aide humaine au sérieux!
En ce qui concerne chaud, surtout à toutes les personnes nécessiteuses, Thomas Karnasch
seul d'entre eux personnellement remis à la famine qui ???
Je sais au moins comment il se sent quand il ne fait vraiment mal - que j'ai aussi
avec d'autres parties telles ensemble - et me pousse sur ce qu'il faut faire Je peux.
J'ai aussi appris et compris que les gens ont souvent seulement pour sourds et
aveugles du troupeau est bonne -, alors il s'agit d'un sérieux besoin de les influences positives de l'extérieur!
= Quel est plutôt moins dépendante des niveaux d'éducation est possible - mais
très de plus multi-couches expérience de la vie!
Quelle est, en principe, le message le plus approprié pour les terroristes?
= Traiter toutes les personnes en tant que telle - et pas seulement regarder
l'aveuglette que des millions meurent de faim lamentablement!
= Que peut sans doute conduire à Selbstanstachelung des terroristes.
Manque le président d'UNICEF Allemagne est aussi de ne négliger aucune expérience de vie réelle!
= Il est vrai que certains allemands sont généreux - il est également vrai,
cependant,que moins que beaucoup d'autres doit être sérieusement envisagée radin!
= Un président de bienfaisance réel devrait prendre à cœur, mais peut effectivement publiquement!
= Voir la dure seulement un an au légendaire pont aérien de Berlin Début de la guerre dite froide.
= Surtout fonctionnaires du gouvernement doit être clair bientôt, que non
seulement ils lui demandez gentiment - mais elle doit aussi écouter les
universitaires et les militants dans leur propre pays!
= Mon optimisme est assombri en termes d'avenir, notamment en raison de leur
comportement effroyable et un de plus.
= Bien que ces opportunités sont encore énorme!
= Une aide sérieuse à la famine actuelle serait également nécessaire pour
l'avancement de l'aide humaine au sérieux!
En ce qui concerne chaud, surtout à toutes les personnes nécessiteuses, Thomas Karnasch
Samstag, 20. August 2011
To believe barely: also recent district court decision is illegitimate !!!
To believe barely: also recent Northeimer district court decision is illegitimate!!!
Thomas Karnasch, to the mountain Scheeren 2,37186 Moringen
Criminal investigation department home Nort
precautionary announcement against the district court of home Nort -
judge Eisenhardt and Presidentl Ingrid Sell/ judge Thiele
Against judge U.Eisenhardt treating this decision becomes in the connection with
the preceding Vodafone of procedure (3 C 784/10) investigates (18 Js 13010/11)!
What must mean, nevertheless, that judge Eisenhardt would not have my
contradiction may treat!!!
= This makes them not quite unsuspicious!
Why has in this case the preceding application for temporary possession
(3 C 414/11) treating judge Thiele not also my relevant contradiction does treat???
= Because my reproaches demonstrated in the contradiction in relation on almost
100% of taking over of the scandalous and wrong note of lawyer's office Zdrzalek
by just judge Thiele, in principle, are appropriate.
If the court had my criminal relevant reproaches against this lawyer's office must take up!!!
= AND, nevertheless, at least own examinations must do - what all together
naturally in the treatise of this decision would have are written down must go!!!
But, actually, also specially criminal inquiries must order.
= Which is why all together the putatively being applied procedure in the district
court of Goettingen to the examination of the legality of the application for
temporary possession would have in such a way or so at least must be pushed open!!!
Because this is not the case and my detailed contradiction statements, however,
besides in aforesaid putative decision find no mention - this must go Decision,
nevertheless, in certain sense as as a precaution uncommented certain breast-
feeds Approval are looked!
= What would make, further in addition, this decision ineffective - and at least
to the other purification of this whole procedure just this to the purification in
relation on other adoption of resolutions is to be put out!!!
Further the fact, that still underpins especially the district court of home Nort
not the illegal Kontenpfändung obtained by lawyer's office Zdrzalek
(Dr. II has at least paused 640/11) - which there some must be shy.
= In the end, becomes against Vodafone and their vague lawyer's office for
10 weeks also - in 3 public prosecutor's offices investigates criminal!!!
= The continuing treatment of the Vodafone case by the district court of home
Nort if a certain influencing of the criminal inquiries explains, nevertheless, definitely.
= If a criminal relevant inquiry end turns out, besides, afterwardsthen,
nevertheless,all decisions would be frail in the case Vodafone, so to speak!!!
= What would show further, besides, unnecessary combustion of tax money-
from the dead nerve cells once seen!
= Nevertheless, therefore, the duty, other treating exists for the court as it were
Vodafone-or the Zdrzalek case up to the end of the criminal inquiries to pause against mentioned.
= Further I had several times with lasting effect and as can be proved at the
district court of home Nort proposed, still and further for unpredictable time
under an acute one To suffer exhaustion syndrome - which to itself also still
about epileptically similar exhaustion coins.
= What further a considerable injury also for I valid common person Fundamental
rights signifies - if the court formulates - how from there in decisionfurther wants
to stick to the already illegal lawyer's compulsion!!!
= I was closed clearly done that it to me neither is possible, a lawyer consult, still
even capable of examination or capable of negotiations at court or to appear somewhere else!!!
= The court acts well in it, especially also this truth not further also intentionally
to handle or go over!!!
With kind regards Thomas Karnasch
To believe barely: also recent Northeimer district court decision is illegitimate!!!
Thomas Karnasch, to the mountain Scheeren 2,37186 Moringen
Criminal investigation department home Nort
precautionary announcement against the district court of home Nort -
judge Eisenhardt and Presidentl Ingrid Sell/ judge Thiele
Against judge U.Eisenhardt treating this decision becomes in the connection with
the preceding Vodafone of procedure (3 C 784/10) investigates (18 Js 13010/11)!
What must mean, nevertheless, that judge Eisenhardt would not have my
contradiction may treat!!!
= This makes them not quite unsuspicious!
Why has in this case the preceding application for temporary possession
(3 C 414/11) treating judge Thiele not also my relevant contradiction does treat???
= Because my reproaches demonstrated in the contradiction in relation on almost
100% of taking over of the scandalous and wrong note of lawyer's office Zdrzalek
by just judge Thiele, in principle, are appropriate.
If the court had my criminal relevant reproaches against this lawyer's office must take up!!!
= AND, nevertheless, at least own examinations must do - what all together
naturally in the treatise of this decision would have are written down must go!!!
But, actually, also specially criminal inquiries must order.
= Which is why all together the putatively being applied procedure in the district
court of Goettingen to the examination of the legality of the application for
temporary possession would have in such a way or so at least must be pushed open!!!
Because this is not the case and my detailed contradiction statements, however,
besides in aforesaid putative decision find no mention - this must go Decision,
nevertheless, in certain sense as as a precaution uncommented certain breast-
feeds Approval are looked!
= What would make, further in addition, this decision ineffective - and at least
to the other purification of this whole procedure just this to the purification in
relation on other adoption of resolutions is to be put out!!!
Further the fact, that still underpins especially the district court of home Nort
not the illegal Kontenpfändung obtained by lawyer's office Zdrzalek
(Dr. II has at least paused 640/11) - which there some must be shy.
= In the end, becomes against Vodafone and their vague lawyer's office for
10 weeks also - in 3 public prosecutor's offices investigates criminal!!!
= The continuing treatment of the Vodafone case by the district court of home
Nort if a certain influencing of the criminal inquiries explains, nevertheless, definitely.
= If a criminal relevant inquiry end turns out, besides, afterwardsthen,
nevertheless,all decisions would be frail in the case Vodafone, so to speak!!!
= What would show further, besides, unnecessary combustion of tax money-
from the dead nerve cells once seen!
= Nevertheless, therefore, the duty, other treating exists for the court as it were
Vodafone-or the Zdrzalek case up to the end of the criminal inquiries to pause against mentioned.
= Further I had several times with lasting effect and as can be proved at the
district court of home Nort proposed, still and further for unpredictable time
under an acute one To suffer exhaustion syndrome - which to itself also still
about epileptically similar exhaustion coins.
= What further a considerable injury also for I valid common person Fundamental
rights signifies - if the court formulates - how from there in decisionfurther wants
to stick to the already illegal lawyer's compulsion!!!
= I was closed clearly done that it to me neither is possible, a lawyer consult, still
even capable of examination or capable of negotiations at court or to appear somewhere else!!!
= The court acts well in it, especially also this truth not further also intentionally
to handle or go over!!!
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