Neue Ausgabe

Samstag, 27. August 2011

Les chefs de gouvernement de l'Afrique sont tous millionnaires encore - n'a qu'un seul d'entre eux personnellement remis à la famine qui ???

Les chefs de gouvernement de l'Afrique sont tous millionnaires encore - n'a qu'un
seul d'entre eux personnellement remis à la famine qui ???
Je sais au moins comment il se sent quand il ne fait vraiment mal - que j'ai aussi
avec d'autres parties telles ensemble - et me pousse sur ce qu'il faut faire Je peux.

J'ai aussi appris et compris que les gens ont souvent seulement pour sourds et
aveugles du troupeau est bonne -, alors il s'agit d'un sérieux besoin de les influences positives de l'extérieur!
= Quel est plutôt moins dépendante des niveaux d'éducation est possible - mais
très de plus multi-couches expérience de la vie!

Quelle est, en principe, le message le plus approprié pour les terroristes?
= Traiter toutes les personnes en tant que telle - et pas seulement regarder
l'aveuglette que des millions meurent de faim lamentablement!
= Que peut sans doute conduire à Selbstanstachelung des terroristes.

Manque le président d'UNICEF Allemagne est aussi de ne négliger aucune expérience de vie réelle!

= Il est vrai que certains allemands sont généreux - il est également vrai,
cependant,que moins que beaucoup d'autres doit être sérieusement envisagée radin!
= Un président de bienfaisance réel devrait prendre à cœur, mais peut effectivement publiquement!

= Voir la dure seulement un an au légendaire pont aérien de Berlin Début de la guerre dite froide.

= Surtout fonctionnaires du gouvernement doit être clair bientôt, que non
seulement ils lui demandez gentiment - mais elle doit aussi écouter les
universitaires et les militants dans leur propre pays!

= Mon optimisme est assombri en termes d'avenir, notamment en raison de leur
comportement effroyable et un de plus.
= Bien que ces opportunités sont encore énorme!

= Une aide sérieuse à la famine actuelle serait également nécessaire pour
l'avancement de l'aide humaine au sérieux!

En ce qui concerne chaud, surtout à toutes les personnes nécessiteuses, Thomas Karnasch

Samstag, 20. August 2011

To believe barely: also recent district court decision is illegitimate !!!

To believe barely: also recent Northeimer district court decision is illegitimate!!!

Thomas Karnasch, to the mountain Scheeren 2,37186 Moringen

Criminal investigation department home Nort
precautionary announcement against the district court of home Nort -
judge Eisenhardt and Presidentl Ingrid Sell/ judge Thiele
Against judge U.Eisenhardt treating this decision becomes in the connection with
the preceding Vodafone of procedure (3 C 784/10) investigates (18 Js 13010/11)!
What must mean, nevertheless, that judge Eisenhardt would not have my
contradiction may treat!!!
= This makes them not quite unsuspicious!
Why has in this case the preceding application for temporary possession
(3 C 414/11) treating judge Thiele not also my relevant contradiction does treat???
= Because my reproaches demonstrated in the contradiction in relation on almost
100% of taking over of the scandalous and wrong note of lawyer's office Zdrzalek
by just judge Thiele, in principle, are appropriate.
If the court had my criminal relevant reproaches against this lawyer's office must take up!!!

= AND, nevertheless, at least own examinations must do - what all together
naturally in the treatise of this decision would have are written down must go!!!
But, actually, also specially criminal inquiries must order.
= Which is why all together the putatively being applied procedure in the district
court of Goettingen to the examination of the legality of the application for
temporary possession would have in such a way or so at least must be pushed open!!!
Because this is not the case and my detailed contradiction statements, however,
besides in aforesaid putative decision find no mention - this must go Decision,
nevertheless, in certain sense as as a precaution uncommented certain breast-
feeds Approval are looked!
= What would make, further in addition, this decision ineffective - and at least
to the other purification of this whole procedure just this to the purification in
relation on other adoption of resolutions is to be put out!!!

Further the fact, that still underpins especially the district court of home Nort
not the illegal Kontenpfändung obtained by lawyer's office Zdrzalek
(Dr. II has at least paused 640/11) - which there some must be shy.
= In the end, becomes against Vodafone and their vague lawyer's office for
10 weeks also - in 3 public prosecutor's offices investigates criminal!!!

= The continuing treatment of the Vodafone case by the district court of home
Nort if a certain influencing of the criminal inquiries explains, nevertheless, definitely.

= If a criminal relevant inquiry end turns out, besides, afterwardsthen,
nevertheless,all decisions would be frail in the case Vodafone, so to speak!!!

= What would show further, besides, unnecessary combustion of tax money-
from the dead nerve cells once seen!
= Nevertheless, therefore, the duty, other treating exists for the court as it were
Vodafone-or the Zdrzalek case up to the end of the criminal inquiries to pause against mentioned.

= Further I had several times with lasting effect and as can be proved at the
district court of home Nort proposed, still and further for unpredictable time
under an acute one To suffer exhaustion syndrome - which to itself also still
about epileptically similar exhaustion coins.

= What further a considerable injury also for I valid common person Fundamental
rights signifies - if the court formulates - how from there in decisionfurther wants
to stick to the already illegal lawyer's compulsion!!!

= I was closed clearly done that it to me neither is possible, a lawyer consult, still
even capable of examination or capable of negotiations at court or to appear somewhere else!!!

= The court acts well in it, especially also this truth not further also intentionally
to handle or go over!!!

With kind regards Thomas Karnasch